The World Assembly of self-determined nations (NAMA)
In a more cosmopolitan spirit, I look for Quebec a significant role in driving future minoritized nations that have long flirted, not without obstacles, with the idea of 'winning' the old way of asserting national struggles (eg, nations occupying Catalonia, the Basque Country, Kashmiri, Scotland and Tamil Nadu, among other potential candidates). For the first time in the West, a minority people he can, but officially conditionally , waive to redefine the political map, in consideration of legitimate expectations as a chastened majority nation, not by violently oppressive Devers its minorities? In a new spirit world the multiple effects of territorial division, political and symbolic of a peaceful majority nation, on this same nation, they can be studied as seriously as the springs of this division? He would eventually break with the old dialectical thinking and instill more g e n e reuse in the management of international affairs, now closes the helm of the peace implementation value cultural differences. Rene Levesque had he considered all peaceful means of political assertion before declaring - I quote roughly - that 'Quebec happen the rest of Canada more easily than it would happen in Quebec. " Without doubt he had major reason for non-economic reasons, but the thought of it revolves wrong with the new spirit which Quebec could color the international order.
Could we thus consider the establishment of a world parliament - comprising representatives from Quebec, Catalonia, the Basque Country, the Kashmiris, the Premi è Nations, of Scotland, among other nations - with promoting peaceful and recognition of cultural diversity in the first agenda. Education policy, immigration and comparative research, promotional programs and cultural exchanges, literary salons, international forums for discussion, would range plans to consider, in a spirit of dialogue with authorities Existing international.
The Parliament of minority nations (it would probably give it a more fitting name - 'the World Assembly of self-determined nations'?) Would have a permanent base or plural and rotating choice of representatives in council constitution. Its composition and the rules of its normal operations and exceptional would be determined in light of general principles recognized in a seminal text original. Its establishment will depend on the political will expressed through a first community of parties notified. Those in Quebec are they the pioneers?
This independent parliament would meet not only with legitimate needs for cultural preservation, but otherwise offer to other nations a lesson in wisdom that history this time would be hard to ignore. In Kathmandu, Nepal, where the parliamentary project piqued the interest of politicians in exile Tibetan victims of Chinese government oppression, we can better assess the extent of success in Quebec. Similarly in India, which recognizes eighteen (18) official languages. United minority nations also exert a stronger local powers.
The devil's advocate will not wrong to point out that this project requires the participation of other nations on which Quebec has no control. He also added that independent states indirectly interested, such as Canada, would not be suitable for all measures of support id e ales desired by a Quebec-leading (in a rather optimistic scenario), or possibly would pose obstacles to the project Parliamentary (the alternative). It should be noted that in response to Quebec's influence in the establishment of a world parliament, will be proportional to the quality of its project and to the conviction that animates all measures considered. The agreement or disagreement of Ottawa, express or implied, vis-à-vis the international creation, would be decisive in an exemplary manner. Disagreement, open or covered, would be a sign of true oppression against a minority nation that would seek to save peacefully on sc è not international, its difference in respect of the Canadian identity construction. A sign of agreement would be seriously considered if we must rely on the legendary 'flexibility' policies Anglo-Saxon. One should not doubt: a Canada obstructive would only encourage an appeal complete e commentary to the former reaction is to say, the quest for more traditional political statement québécoise e bec. The so-called good faith in the Canada-Quebec, is also at stake.
In the edition of the newspaper Le Devoir 25 April 2006, the author Yves Beauchemin stated that "[i] f the freedom of a people not a fundamental condition of happiness is it that so many men and women throughout history have fought for it? . The question is central but nevertheless suggestive that today boasts of knowing the limits of what could be a Quebec free in the heart of a brave people?
We celebrate most definitely, a beautiful winter day, Nelligan's prose and poetry of Bilbao Valluvar in Barcelona, when there ' fara fred ' - like Gaspé or ... almost.