The demonstration on Friday, May 21 at 7:15 p.m., in Saran, before the City Council namesake was to protest against the allegedly homophobic Michel Guerin, Mayor Saran, General Counsel of the Loiret (Party Communist). We found a photo in this article by Christophe Desportes-Guilloux, head of the group Orleans, "Homosexuality and Socialism" (
1. Background.
In an interview May 18, 2010, the Republic of the Centre, he maintains his statements by indicating, particular, it is pronounced cons legislation applicable to homosexuals and has found that children of homosexual couples " escaped the rigorous educational a couple."
2.1. A change in attitudes.
Michel Guérin's comments seem strangely dated. However, in May 1968 has been there. After the events of May 1968, a wind blew release which destroyed what Jean Ferrat called in a song " the old curses " leading to the emancipation of women, taking into account emerging issues (eg environment) and more generally, bringing out an atmosphere of tolerance where further systematize any category people, each must find its place in French society under the laws that organize it.
2.2. French law has set up the PACS (Civil Solidarity Pact).
That Michel Guérin like it or not, the Act discussed PACS by Parliament, after the debates, sometimes heated, was enacted November 16, 1999. Far from being a contract in favor of gay (s), it is overwhelmingly used by heterosexual couples who are in some cases, a step prior to a future marriage. The figures show a steady increase in the number of PACS signed before the Courts and an increasing number of municipalities proposes a ceremony for PACS, how to formalize this relationship. In fact, the legislature over the years altered the economics of PACS in order to confer additional rights to PACS, so that the PACS is close to the legal status of married persons.
2.3. A broader struggle to fight against discrimination that is not completed.
the pediment of our public buildings and town halls face the Republican motto " Liberty, Equality, Fraternity . It is the republican principle of equality is at issue in the treatment of homosexuals, so that the High Authority has taken up this issue, and during the World Day against Homophobia, issued a press release that emphasizes "the importance of homophobic discrimination in the workplace .
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But this is not a battle won in advance.
But this is not a battle won in advance.
However, some elected by example, the member of the North (UMP), Christian Vanneste, during an interview to mark 10 years of PACS, said the event was " to score a black, dark black ( C3% A9sastreuse.html ).
That member had shown during a broadcast of "C have r" on France 5, 12 November 2009, by a decided view on this issue which is based on the attachment to the pair composed of a woman and a man and traditional Catholic values.
2.4. A debate that shows the complexity of the issue of homosexuality.
As shown in the debate held in the program "Tonight or never " on the occasion of World Day against Homophobia, May 17, 2010, issue of homosexuality in French society is full of paradoxes. Among these include the fact that both changing attitudes led to greater tolerance as shown by the polls and the other a minority winces on traditional beliefs to criticize this development which undermine the foundations of the family and society,
Ultimately, as in many other fields, emphasize the need, if not training, at least for greater understanding about the facts and law about homosexuality, before making public judgments heavy meaning.