SALEM, Carlos, swim without getting wet, black Proceedings, Actes Sud, 2010
first cover: a pretty nymphet naughty on psychedelic background that seems to invite you to follow and I followed ... the adventures of Juan Pérez Pérez, said Juanito, quarantine, officially part in a major English pharmaceutical lab and unofficially hired killer for the Company under the moniker "number 3". Juanito is separated from Letitia and has two children with whom he went on a camping holiday. He must change his plans at the last minute because he has a contract: to monitor a person in a nudist camp, private and exclusive. But his neighbors are trying other than his ex and her lover and an old friend who owes him an eye and an artificial leg. Who is ultimately threatened
? It is a plot extremely well controlled with the vicissitudes smiling and sometimes a bit racy, a very smooth writing. Juan is very tender when it is cold and Juanito number 3. If the tone is humorous, the film is extremely well-crafted and inventive. It was not until the last 25 pages to solve the mystery. Nirvana!
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