Sunday, February 6, 2011

Is Respiration Higher For Mamals Or Reptiles

According to the Republic of the Centre, the Portuguese are foreigners!

In an article dated from 29-30 January 2011, the Republic of the Centre publishes an article entitled " foreign nurses in hospitals in the Loiret " under the signature of Marion Bonnet.

1) Europeans are not strangers.

This article begins with a hat that is: "Faced with demographic medical, hospital Orleans does not hesitate to recruit outside French borders, in countries European Union. "

The formula is somewhat awkward for the following reason.

1) The wording " recruit outside French borders, in the countries of the European Union, suggests that France is not a member of the European Union. Indeed, there is one side the European Union countries and the other in France and its borders. Literally, the European Union countries are therefore a different geographical region of France. Should be removed " outside French borders " which does not interfere with understanding the sentence.

2) The cap is contradiction manifesto with the title of the article "Nurses foreign hospitals Loiret " Who says foreign words, by definition, whose nationality is not that of the 27 countries of the European Union. Member of the European Union means that nationality is one of 26 states of the European Union (27 countries except France). Then he must choose!

3) Portuguese nurses who are not foreign.

The text of the article mentions only the case of recruitment by the Orleans hospital of a young nurse Portuguese 22. And other recruitment evoked concern only staff with nationals of a member country of the EU (Spain, Hungary, Poland, Portugal and Romania).

If we mean that in the Loiret foreign nurses are recruited, even though the hospital would Orleans recruited as nurses in Europe, it must be demonstrated. At no time, written by Marion Bonnet, one finds the mention of the case of recruitment of a nurse not a national of the European Union.

Reading the title, except hat, led to indicate that the recruitment of foreign nurses in the Loiret results in the recruitment of nurses that may be of a nationality of one of the 26 member states of the European Union. Following a syllogism unstoppable foreign nurses are Portuguese!

recalled that Portugal joined the European Economic Community on 1 January 1986, application made possible after the Carnation Revolution of April 1974 which saw the end of which led dictacture Salazar Portugal to regain a democratic state. Nurses Portuguese are European as well as the French nurses who work in Portugal ....

Since November 2004, Jose Manuel Durao Barasso, former Portuguese Prime Minister, presides the European Commission, and will complete his term of 5 years end 2014.

Finally, we must reiterate here that being a national community provides a series of rights (freedom of movement of persons, goods, services and capital, voting to elect national representatives European Parliament, the referral to the Ombudsman Parliament and the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament, the right to vote and to be elected in municipal elections, the right to enjoy a European consular protection if his country does not grant it in a foreign country) and duties (respect for the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the mandatory provisions of the Lisbon Treaty entered into force December 9, 2009).

Finally, this video reiterates the conditions of the birth of Portugal, which has its roots in the historic city of GuimarĂ£es. .


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