Monday, February 28, 2011

Codigo De Activacion Mount & Blade

LARSON, Leslie, Greetings from Cora Sledge, Ed 10/18, 2011

Cora Sledge is a person aged 82, widow, 136 kg, which guzzler anxiolytics, who suffers from asthma, smoking and having difficulties to take control in the words of his three children. They will then place it against her will in a nursing home they prefer to call "nursing home". There she's playing the "Auntie Danielle" unpleasant with almost everyone, cantankerous, and the remarks about not always politically correct. Her niece Emma gave her a notebook and a pen and she wonders why elsewhere gift absolutely preposterous. But Cora gets bored and starts to write what she thinks. It is through his notebooks written in a language she will direct and green transcribe his past and his life in this home. Story intimate and revealing thoughts of a person to whom life has not always smiled but keeps the most aggressive energy. His books are a way for her to close the doors. Cora is a charming character!


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