Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Funny Party Invitation Sayings

NUNN, Kem Tijuana Straits, Sonatine, 2011

Tijuana is the US-Mexico border, south of the California valley that carries all toxic plants border, illegal immigrants and drug smugglers. Three main characters: Samuel Fahey said Sam the Seagull, ex-surfer, ex-dealer-addict, ex-con and loner who somehow maintains its firm vermicole; Magdalena, Madonna, a young Mexican who helps women who lost U.S. pursues the boss water polluters and lives in the valley of Mexico leaving their factories; Armando Santoya Chicano-a petty criminal who continues to kill Magdalena. The life of a recluse Sam will be upset by his meeting with Magdalena sinking in the marsh: should he save her if he wants to remain in peace?
If the early pace seems a little nonchalant, it is taken by the lyrical style and then by the action that turns gradually to a final ride that prevents you from leaving the book. Very beautiful writing (translation) punctuated sometimes by desperation, sometimes by a vital energy ... and it surfs the novel as Sam on the waves of fury of the mythical Mystic Peak. It's beautiful, it's big, it's powerful.


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